Limit Output


This extension limits the number of characters a codecell will output as text or HTML. This also allows to interrupt endless loops of print commands.

Demo Video

You can set the number of characters using the ConfigManager:

from import ConfigManager
cm = ConfigManager().update('notebook', {'limit_output': 1000})

or by using the jupyter_nbextensions_configurator


Three types of messages are intercepted: stream, execute_result, display_data

For stream- type messages, the text string length is limited to limit_output number of characters For other message types, text/plain and text/html content length is countedand if either exceedslimit_output` charaters, will be truncated.

The limit_output_message can be formatted to display the limit_output length and the current output_length, respectively using the replacement fields {limit_output_length} and {output_length}.